***Use the QR Code for the Jamboree Schedule and Field Map***
If you are not familiar with "The Greatest Jamboree On Earth", this is a tournament style event for kids in grades K-2 that the Northport Lacrosse Club has been hosting for many years. If you have not signed up to be a volunteer yet, we need you! Our club is 100% run by volunteers and every bit helps us put on great events such as this.
Where, When, Who and How Much?
How much: First of all there is no cost to participating in the Jamboree, even the food and beverages we serve will be at no cost to parents, coaches or players
When: It will be held on Saturday, May 20th
Who: This is for grades K-2 only
Where: East Northport Middle School 1075 5th avenue, East Northport NY 11731 - map: https://goo.gl/maps/Z3xBRfXW1fM2
How is the Jamboree run:
We ask is that if you commit to bring a team you must show up! Please make sure you have at least 10 players (7 v 7 format) in case of illness or other reasons for no shows. If ONE team does not play it will cause 3-4 more teams to miss a game!
Each team plays 3 - 20min running time games in a format of 7 v 7 (2nd grade uses goalies so 8 on the field). If teams are very large and both coaches want to, a 9 v 9 (10 v 10 for 2nd) can be used, just remember the fields for the K & 1st are smaller - the 2nd graders will have a couple games on a full field so 10 v 10 should be used there. Also 2nd graders may only play 2 games being that they play in games on Sunday, depending on the numbers.
First game begins at 9:30am and we ask that you arrive by 9:00am to get your team together for the Anthem at 9:20am before we start. Each team will have a break between games to visit the "Fastest Shot" & "Most Accurate Shot" in the fun Zone and also grab something to eat when the BBQ is ready. There is NO FEE for the Jamboree, we do put out "Donation Buckets" which we use to help with costs but it's more about the kids having fun!
The Play/ Rules are pretty simple - no hitting and have Fun! Any penalty will result in change of possession (no fast break). We have H.S. Players as Refs for the 2nd Graders and Middle School players for the K-1st - so go easy on them - they are told to let simple pushes go and just let them play. The Day ends by 12:30pm
As we have done in the past, we try to limit the amount of time the kids are sitting around waiting for their next game so due to the limited field space, the Northport Lacrosse Club has put a cap on the number of teams participating in the Jamboree to - 28 TEAMS. It is important that if you commit to bring a team you must show up! Please make sure you have at least 10 players (7 v 7 format) in case of illness or other reasons for no shows. If ONE team does not play it will cause 3-4 more teams to miss a game!